What a beautiful day it is today! It's been hard staying inside and pounding away at my keyboard today. I've written about two thousand words on one of my blue collared labor stories, and I plan on writing more tonight.
One story will be about Chase and David. Chase is an emergency room RN and Dave is a mechanic. Chase has been out of the closet for years. He's recently gotten out of a bad relationship and is looking for a man who isn't ashamed to be seen and to be out and proud with him. Enter Dave, who has lived firmly in the closet all of his life. Dave knows that if he gives into his desires he will be disowned by many family members and friends. Once Chase and Dave meet, sparks fly and both men have to decide if their love is worth fighting for.
When I've pictured Chase in my mind, I've thought of Paul Walker. Paul has been in several movies, but he's best known as being in the Fast and Furious movies. There is something sexy about him, not to mention he has that boy next door quality about him that I absolutely love!

Dave has been a harder character for me. He's older than Chase and has had a rough family life and a tough time keeping his attraction for men under wraps all of his life. Chris and I watched Road House the other day and once I saw Sam Elliot, Dave was born. There is something about Sam's tough exterior, including that sexy voice that makes him the perfect example of male heterosexuality. Personally, I think he's even sexier once I thought of him being with another man; especially Chase!

I just read Still the One by Shawn Lane. I LOVED IT! My good friend Jack and his wonderful partner Shayne have both pointed out that I need to continue reviewing books on goodreads. I admit that I've been very slack at writing reviews. It's not that I don't want to write them, but finding the time and well having my own book on the chopping block has made me Leary of reviewing. It's not that some people didn't like it because not every book will appeal to everyone, it's the way it's reviewed and said that is often hurtful and sometimes downright mean.
So after much thought, I've decided to try to review at least a couple of books a week. I'm making it a goal of mine to make sure and point out good things about the book,even if it's not a favorite of mine. Since some of the reviews on there have been spiteful and just cruel, and as Jack and Shayne pointed out, it's time for us more positive people to keep reviewing and block out the people who constantly write negative things about books they supposedly love.
For those who are on goodreads, I heartily recommend becoming friends with Erotic Horizon and Lily. Both of them are outstanding and fair reviewers. They are not spiteful and even when they aren't crazy about a book they've read, are tactful about it. It's apparent that both of them actually love what they do and what they read and I know when I read a review by either of them, it will be fair, entertaining and unbiased.
There are several other friends I have on goodreads that write great reviews. Eyre, Maggie, Shayne (Yes you Shayne), Jack, Drew and Lindsay. I'm hoping they will start showing up more often and reviewing more books, too. After all Lily and Erotic Horizon can't do it all by themselves! LOL!
I've decided to put my money where my mouth is and try to show up on Goodreads more often. Shayne pointed out that there has been some negativity there, but instead of giving into it, banding together with other positive friends and make it fun again. So, I'm going to join Jack and Shayne and make an effort to make it a more positive place.
Now, I'm taking a few hours off and I'm going to go enjoy the sunshine! Y'all have a great rest of the night and a great week!