Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Monday! Looks like we're going to celebrate it with more ice and snow

This past week we have had a lot of snow and ice. Because hubby and I live up a mountain and 3 miles up a dirt road, it's not uncommon for us to lose electricity. This is something we have learned to be prepared for. Since we are expecting more ice and at least 7 to 8 more inches of snow, we fought the huge crowd at the store (we here in the sticks freak out if they call for snow, so we all end up flooding to the stores to stock to buy enough supplies for us just in case we lose electricity...again. We've lost it up to almost 4 days in a row this year. I hope not to repeat that performance. Living without warm water, lights, heat and so on is not exactly my idea of a good time. What sucks even more is because we live so far away from family, we can hole up at any of their houses either. Sigh.

My niece, Snow White, enjoyed the snow yesterday. I wish I had been there in person to see her enjoy making a snowman and having a snowball fight with my brother in law and sister...that would have been a hoot! I thought I'd share her picture with y'all. I love the look of pure joy on her face.

If we keep plan on almost completing my current work in progress 'Daddies Little Girl'. I am still undecided as to where I'm going to submit it. I figure once I'm done, I'll know where it should go. I still haven't decided what in the world I'm going to do with Got Mistletoe?. I hope to figure that one out too.

I hope everyone has a safe and warm week ahead.


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