Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Contest to win His Christmas Wish

Hey y'all:)

I just finished my final edits for my Christmas story, His Christmas Wish. Whew!
It's due to be published the 21st of December. So, I decided to hold another contest to win a copy of it. All you have to do is send an email to with the word contest on the subject line. You have until 11:59 pm on the 20th to enter. I'll send the winner a copy of the book first thing on the 21st.

I've been fairly busy. I'm working on my current WIP and I hope to have it finished by the end of next week. I've read some really great Christmas stories this week. One of my favorites was The Naughty Ones by Shawn Lane. If you haven't read this book, don't hesitate any longer and buy it and read it soon!

I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Ah, thanks for the mention, Andi. I pre-bought your book so there's no contest for me, but glad you are feeling better and writing again.

  2. I'm looking forward to reading your new story. Shawn's is also on my wish list. I hope I've been a good girl this year and Santa helps me out with the list. :D
